Saginaw Broadbent Intersection – Light Installed and Operational

Efforts to Improve Safety at Dangerous Intersection Underway
As part of our Understanding Dangerous Roads campaign, we highlighted the Saginaw Broadbent intersection in west Lansing last year. This area is particularly problematic and is becoming more and more dangerous due to continually increasing traffic and nearby residential and commercial building projects on the rise.
Traffic Light Needed at Saginaw Broadbent Intersection
In our initial assessment of the intersection, we recommended the installation of a traffic light to reduce the number of collisions. With a controlled intersection, motorists can more safely turn onto Saginaw from Broadbent, and vice versa, while fewer drivers will sit in the middle lane on Saginaw waiting to merge with traffic flow.
While officials acknowledged the traffic light addition as a significant “safety improvement,” the process has been unfortunately slow. It has taken several years to improve the Saginaw Broadbent intersection, with several townships and road commissions involved, a hefty price tag, and the need to reconfigure and widen lanes.
Lights on at Saginaw and Broadbent
But all of that is about to change. As of Monday, March 19, 2018, a new traffic light is fully operational at one of Lansing, Michigan’s most dangerous intersections. While the Eaton county road commission introduced the new light in phases to prepare drivers, including blinking yellow and blinking red lights, motorists are still advised to exercise extra caution at the Saginaw Broadbent intersection during the initial adjustment period.
So far, reactions to the traffic light by residents and locals have appeared overwhelmingly positive, with expressions of appreciation and gratitude pouring in through social media. Time, along with numbers, will tell how truly beneficial the addition of this light at the Saginaw Broadbent intersection is.
Sinas Dramis, a personal injury law firm serving all of Michigan, is committed to improving car accident statistics. One way we do this is by educating drivers about problematic areas through our Understanding Dangerous Roads campaign. For updates, subscribe to our monthly newsletter or follow us on Facebook.