

10 Warnings for Auto Accident Survivors | WLAJ | In the Name of the Law

In Season 3, Episode 2 of “In the Name of the law” Sinas Dramis Lansing Auto Accident Attorneys Steve Sinas and Katie Tucker give 10 Warning to auto accident survivors and highlight the important things to know in the aftermath.

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Auto: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-auto

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Semi-Truck: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-semi

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Other practice areas:
Wrongful Death: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-pers

Sexual Assault: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-sexu

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Our specialized bicycle law practice: https://michiganbicyclelaw.com/

Our Michigan Auto No-Fault Law educational resources: https://autonofaultlaw.com/

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Email: info@sinasdramis.com

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