

Dramshop Law | Fox 17 Know the Law

Driving while under the influence is a serious offense, and victims injured in a drunk driving accident, unfortunately, suffer the physical and emotional consequences of someone else’s poor decision. In some cases, bars and restaurants can even be held liable if someone is injured or killed by a patron. Personal injury attorney Tom Sinas reviews Michigan’s Dramshop Laws on this segment of Know the Law.

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Learn more about Tom Sinas: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-pers​​​…

What is Personal Injury Law?

Learn about your legal rights in the case of an accident:
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Wrongful Death: https://sinasdramis.com/michigan-pers​​​…
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More about Sinas Dramis Law Firm: https://sinasdramis.com/​​​
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Our Locations: https://sinasdramis.com/law-firm-loca​​​…

Our specialized bicycle law practice: https://michiganbicyclelaw.com/​​​
Our Michigan Auto No-Fault Law educational resources: https://autonofaultlaw.com/​​​

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Phone: 517-394-7500
Email: info@sinasdramis.com

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