George Sinas and Joel Finnell Publish The No-Fault Tort Threshold: A Comprehensive Survey of the Law

George T. Sinas and Joel T. Finnell have recently completed a textbook on auto no-fault personal injury tort law that has been published by the Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ) and is now available for public purchase. The book is entitled “The No-Fault Tort Threshold: A Comprehensive Survey of the Law.”
This in-depth analytical text is indispensable to acquiring and maintaining a full understanding of Michigan law regarding the auto no-fault tort threshold. Previously, the text was only available to persons who attended MAJ’s annual No-Fault Institute. Recently, George and Joel have completely reorganized and improved the text so as to maximize its value to lawyers, judges, insurance claims representatives, and anyone else who interfaces with auto tort litigation under Michigan’s unique and recently amended Auto No-Fault statute. MCL 500.3101 et seq.
This loose-leaf notebook text is over 382 pages in length and has been made current through December 31, 2020. It contains chapters covering the following topics: The McCormick Threshold Analysis; Supreme Court Activity – Post-McCormick; Evolving Statistics; All Post-McCormick Cases – Chronological Index; All Post-McCormick Cases – Alphabetical Index; Injury Type Index; The Permanent Serious Disfigurement Threshold; and Post-McCormick Case Summary Templates.
What Other Attorneys Have to Say
“The Comprehensive Periodic Case Law Survey by George Sinas and Joel Finnell is absolutely required reading for anyone handling third party auto negligence cases in Michigan. It is indeed comprehensive, but incredibly user-friendly. The Survey abstracts cases in many different categories (e.g., injury types, chronological order of cases, etc.) so that the user can access cases from many different perspectives. I consider this my bible for Michigan auto negligence cases and we all owe a large debt of gratitude to George and Joel.” – Wayne J. Miller (MAJ No-Fault Committee Chairman)
“The No-Fault Threshold – A Comprehensive Periodic Case Law Survey is an encyclopedia of serious impairment law and practice. The analysis of historical changes and current trends in the 3rd party auto jurisprudence provides a helpful understanding of each prong of the threshold. Also included are detailed summaries of every appellate case issued since McCormick v. Carrier. This is a terrific resource that I intend to peruse often and recommend for everyone practicing in this area.” – Ronald K. Weiner (MAJ President-Elect)
About the Authors of the No-Fault Textbook
George Sinas has over 35 years of experience in representing Michigan auto accident victims. His tenacity and dedication to his clients has resulted in numerous million-dollar-plus judgements and settlements on their behalf, and he has been awarded many accolades for his successful work in personal injury law. George has served the Michigan legal community in a wide variety of positions, including as a past president of the Michigan Association for Justice. He continues to serve the legal community through his legal practice, by serving as General Counsel for the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN), and through numerous publications to further education.
Joel Finnell is a dedicated appellate attorney at Sinas Dramis Law Firm who primarily focuses his practice on representing clients in the Michigan Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Court. His successful development of legal strategies and tactical support in complex cases has fueled many successes in client representation and advocacy. Joel’s unique role makes him a vital member of the Sinas Dramis legal team, and his practice has led to successful outcomes in a wide variety of cases including auto no-fault claims, semi-truck accidents, wrongful death cases, and other catastrophic injuries.