Sinas Dramis Attorneys Play Key Role at Annual No-Fault Institute

For the 17th consecutive year, Sinas Dramis Managing Partner, George T. Sinas, co-moderated and presented at Michigan’s premier auto no-fault legal symposium—the MAJ No-Fault Institute. This annual event, sponsored by the Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ), is an intensive two-day seminar that focuses on the representation of injury victims and their medical providers regarding claims arising out of motor vehicle accidents. This year, the focus of the Institute was an in-depth analysis of Michigan’s new auto insurance laws enacted in 2019. Sinas, who co-founded the event in 2004, shared moderator duties with professional colleague, Wayne J. Miller of Miller & Tischler, PC. A record crowd of over 300 persons attended this year’s Institute, which was conducted virtually over four one-half day sessions in late October.
In addition to moderating the Institute, Sinas also presented a legal analysis of recent court decisions impacting the rights of victims to pursue auto injury liability claims. Three other attorneys from the Sinas Dramis Law Firm also gave timely and insightful presentations about various issues affecting the legal rights of injured patients and medical providers in motor vehicle injury cases. These attorneys were Stephen H. Sinas, Thomas G. Sinas, and Catherine E. Tucker.
At the conclusion of the Institute, George Sinas expressed his satisfaction with the event, stating “This year’s No-Fault Institute was a great success! I was pleasantly surprised by how well the virtual format worked for this event. Our speakers did a wonderful job with their presentations and attendees received over 1,000 pages of course materials despite the distance.”