Sinas Dramis Lawyer Helps Lead Mid-Michigan Organizations

Sinas Dramis Partner, Katie Tucker, recently began leadership roles in two prominent mid-Michigan legal organizations.
Katie has held numerous positions of leadership with WLAM’s Mid-Michigan Chapter. She is an associate attorney at the Sinas Dramis Law Firm’s Lansing office, where she focuses her practice on personal injury law, particularly auto no-fault cases. She began her new role with the Mid-Michigan Chapter of WLAM on July 1, 2016. Katie is the past-president of the ICBA Young Lawyers Section and is an ex-officio member of the ICBA and the Ingham County Bar Foundation (ICBF). In March 2016, Katie received the ICBA’s “Top 5 Under 35 Award,” given annually to five young lawyers in recognition of their talents, skills, professionalism and civility in the profession.
Congratulations to both Katie!