What is People’s Law School and Why You Should Attend

People’s Law School 2021 – Postponed
It is with much disappointment we announce the postponement of the 2021 People’s Law School. Unfortunately, due to many extenuating factors beyond the control of the hosts, the event series for fall 2021 must be postponed. We look forward to being back and helping Michigan residents understand their legal rights in 2022!

More than twenty years ago, the attorneys at Sinas Dramis Law Firm identified a much-needed service in Lansing. There’s often a disconnect in understanding the basic rights and laws that protect citizens since many people aren’t regularly involved in the legal field. Realizing this, Sinas Dramis launched People’s Law School to help bridge this disconnect. So if you’re wondering, “What is People’s Law School, anyway?” here’s everything you should know.
People’s Law School Snapshot
People’s Law School is for anyone and everyone. It’s a community program open to non-attorneys. Hosted by Sinas Dramis Law Firm, Michigan Association for Justice, and Wayne State University Law School, this seven-week program is intended to educate the public about the legal system and the laws that affect their everyday lives.
Adults from all walks of life – doctors, school teachers, stay-at-home parents, and retired military veterans – have attended People’s Law School in the past. Each class is presented in an easily digestible way so every student leaves with a better understanding of the law.
People’s Law School is a seven-week program running on Tuesday evenings, starting September 11, 2018, and ending October 23. Each class is two hours long from 7-9pm. The itinerary every Tuesday is an hour or so of presentation, followed by a brief recess, additional presentation, and wraps up with a question and answer period. You will not only have the opportunity to learn from some of the area’s most brilliant legal professionals, but can also ask questions.
Please arrive a few minutes early to ensure a good seat and limit interruptions once the presentation has begun.
The Hannah Community Center in East Lansing has been home to People’s Law School for the last several years. We reserve the theater which has a stage for presentations.
Parking is provided by the community center in its lots in front of and on the north side of the building. Please come in through the front doors and proceed to the theater where you’ll check in at the desk in the theater lobby area.
All you have to do is register for the event. For $25, you can purchase admission for all seven classes, or $7 will get you admission to one class of your choice.
The most important information is why you should attend People’s Law School. Certain aspects of the law change frequently, and for many of us, it’s hard to stay on top of. We believe it’s your right to understand the laws designed to protect you. We want to help Lansing residents stay informed.
It isn’t every day you can ask an attorney a complicated legal question and many of us don’t regularly brush elbows with local judges. People’s Law School is your chance to do that! Come and learn from the area’s foremost thought leaders and get answers to some of the most nagging legal questions you have. This is your chance to stop wondering “What is People’s Law School?” and to come see for yourself!
Check out the full lineup of speakers, topics, and dates here.