Construction Site Safety & Other Workplace Regulations

It’s no secret that construction sites can be dangerous and accidents on construction sites are typically very serious. Construction site safety is imperative in keeping workers safe from injuries and sometimes even death. Tom Sinas, Grand Rapids personal injury attorney, recently appeared on Fox 17’s “Know the Law” to help Michigan workers understand safety standards and laws implemented to keep them safe.
Importance of MIOSHA & Construction Site Safety
Warmer weather is nearing, which means more construction sites are popping up around the state. Construction site safety standards and regulations are an important part of keeping workers safe while at work. MIOSHA – Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration – is the agency responsible for these standards. This state-level agency researches workplace injuries and deaths in hopes to discover the reasons behind accidents in work zones. More specifically, MIOSHA investigates whether or not the employer is at fault due to negligence.
Exclusive Remedy Worker’s Compensation
Although MIOSHA investigates workplace injuries and deaths in order to ensure construction site safety and improve the safety of dangerous workplaces, the agency does not compensate injured workers. In order to receive compensation for injuries sustained at work, the injured employee must look to the worker’s compensation system. Worker’s compensation benefits the worker, while not attacking their employer by avoiding filing a lawsuit. Furthermore, because it can be difficult to prove employer fault, worker’s comp is often the best route for the injured employee. However, for exclusive remedy compensation, the injured person simply has to prove the injury occurred while at work.
General Contractor Liability
There is an interesting and narrow exemption with regard to liability for general contractors. The law in Michigan, as of right now, states that if a general or sub-contractor is injured at a workplace within the “common work area,” the contractor may have separate liability compared to an injured worker.
Learn more from Michigan personal injury attorney, Tom Sinas, here:
Fox 17 Know the Law – Construction Site Safety Law