Multi-Million Dollar Settlement in Michigan Wrongful Death Case

Sinas Dramis Attorneys James F. Graves and Joel T. Finnell Obtain a Multi-Million Dollar Settlement in a Michigan Wrongful Death Case
Sinas Dramis Attorneys James F. Graves and Joel T. Finnell recently obtained a multi-million dollar settlement in a Michigan wrongful death case involving a motorcycle accident that occurred in a construction zone of a Michigan freeway. The crash was caused by a hazardous roadway condition created by the highway contractor during construction. There were no warning signs alerting motorists of the condition, and there were no construction barrels placed over the hazard to protect motorists. As a result, the motorcyclist encountered the hazard while exiting the freeway and crashed. During the crash, he suffered catastrophic injuries that left him paralyzed. The severity of his injuries eventually resulted in his untimely death approximately four years and seven months after the accident.