Making Smart Choices: A Summary Guide to the New Auto No-Fault

Michigan consumers are facing choices they’ve never had to make before regarding their no-fault and liability coverages due to Michigan’s new auto no-fault law.
We’ve poured over this new legislation to create “Making Smart Choices: A Summary Guide to the New Auto No-Fault Law.” This freely accessible guide will help you make informed decisions about your coverage options and includes our attorneys’ recommended coverage choices.
Gain a thorough understanding of changes to the Michigan No-Fault Law, including:
- PIP Benefit Coverages and Which Insurer Pays
- Consumer Choices Under the New Law Regarding PIP Benefit Coverages
- Consequences of Expenses Incurred that Exceed PIP Benefit Coverages
- Consumer Choices Under the New Law Regarding Liability Insurance Coverage
- Recommended Coverage Choices for Consumers Under the New Law
Get Your Free Copy of Making Smart Choices
You can request free printed copies of “Making Smart Choices: A Summary Guide to the New No-Fault Law” here. Click the button below to download your free digital version.
Our Auto Insurance Recommendations and Michigan’s New No-Fault
Making Smart Choices is a very thorough resource for those wanting in-depth information regarding the changes to Michigan’s no-fault law. For those wanting more concise information regarding specific auto insurance recommendations, check out this post.