

Michigan Car Modification Laws – Lighting, Mufflers, Tinting, and More

Understanding Michigan Car Modification Laws

You might notice cars out on the road with added lighting features, tinted windows, or noisy acceleration. While auto enthusiasts may enjoy having these fancy features on their vehicle, the Michigan Vehicle Code outlines car modification laws that must be followed for the safety of the driver and others out on the road....

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Michigan Car Seat Laws – What You Need to Know

young child in car seat sleeping

Car crashes are the leading cause of death in children ages one to thirteen – a statistic that may certainly scare parents and anyone else transporting children in their vehicles. However, recent data also shows that a large percentage of child passengers killed in car accidents were not properly restrained. These statistics serve as an important reminder that the best way to keep child passengers safe is to make sure they are properly secured in your vehicle. As a personal injury law firm, we, unfortunately, see a range of injured people come through our doors, including children. Because of this,...

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When Home Isn’t Safe – Domestic Violence Resources During COVID-19 Michigan Shelter-In-Place

domestic violence resources during COVID-19

Victims of domestic violence often feel trapped in their relationship, and under the current Michigan shelter-in-place order, that is a prominent reality for many. A recent statement from the Executive Director of the Safehouse Center explains concerns posed by COVID-19 for domestic violence victims, including isolation, lost access to help, and fear of exposure to the virus when leaving the home. If you are stuck at home with an abusive partner, there are still resources and services available to help you during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Update: On April 27, 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court enacted Administrative Order No. 2020-11 to provide...

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Recreational Marijuana Is Legal, Driving While High Isn’t


[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Authored by Michigan personal injury attorney, Brian McKenna. While Michigan voters opted to legalize many aspects of marijuana consumption in a November 2018 ballot initiative, driving while high remains illegal. Means of prohibition enforcement, however, remains murky. Michigan law adheres to a strict “zero-tolerance” policy for drivers who have any amount of the drugs listed on Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act in their system. These substances include marijuana and its active ingredient, THC. However, in People v Koon, the  Michigan Supreme Court carved out an exception to the strict rule.  That decision considered the legalization of marijuana for medical...

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Are Trampoline Parks Safe? Everything Parents Should Know

In recent years, the popularity of trampoline parks has grown significantly. Less than a decade ago, there were only three trampoline parks across the United States. Today, that number has increased to over 800. The rise in popularity of trampoline parks and attractions can be cause for concern for many parents. Are trampoline parks safe? With such a rapid expansion of trampoline park attendance, it is not surprising that injuries at these establishments have increased dramatically among children as well. Trampoline Injuries on the Rise The number of serious injuries that occur from trampoline use each year is astonishing. It estimated that...

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St. Patrick’s Day Safety – Michigan Designated Driver Services


St. Patrick's Day is a holiday notoriously celebrated in the United States with the excessive consumption of green beer. In fact, in 2017, MSP reported the most alcohol-related car crashes in Michigan occurred on St. Patty's Day. For those who choose to go out and celebrate, it's important to know the risks involved and research available designated driver services in your area to ensure St. Patrick's Day safety for yourself, your friends, and other Michigan motorists. Zero-Limit Policy for St. Patrick's Day Safety While the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08 grams per deciliter of blood, this St. Patrick's Day, make...

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Drive Safe Michigan – Private Property Stop Signs and Emergency Vehicle Passing

Drive Safe Michigan

Update: New emergency passing law goes into effect on February 13, 2019. Anyone who's taken a driver's training class knows the basic laws that govern Michigan roads. But most of us fail to keep ourselves up-to-date as these regulations change. As part of our commitment to helping Michigan residents better understand the law, we're starting Drive Safe Michigan. This campaign focuses on sharing traffic law information in an effort to improve Michigan roads and driving. Michigan car accident attorney, Steve Sinas, recently appeared on Fox 47's Morning Blend to kick off the campaign. He covered two very relevant and timely topics in the...

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Michigan Roundabouts – Dangerous Intersections or a Step Toward Safety?


As part of our ongoing Understanding Dangerous Roads campaign, we're turning our focus momentarily to roundabouts and their prevalence at dangerous intersections in Michigan. The first Michigan roundabout – a circular road design that requires entering traffic to yield to vehicles already in the circle traveling counterclockwise – was built by the Oakland County Road Commission in 1999. Today, there are more than 100 roundabouts along our state’s roads. Crash Reduction Rates at Dangerous Intersections Michigan roundabouts were introduced as a means to improve safety. Recent statistics show they reduce severe accidents at otherwise dangerous intersections previously controlled by a two-way stop...

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Bluetooth Motorcycle Helmet – Dangerous or a Rider Necessity?


In an increasingly connected world, it’s no wonder hands-free communication is essential for operators of both automobiles and motorcycles. And for motorcyclists, the newest player on the scene is the Bluetooth motorcycle helmet. These helmets wirelessly connect rider-to-rider, or rider to their mobile device. Once connected, riders are alerted to incoming calls, can listen to music, or receive navigation instructions. Without a doubt, hands-free connectivity is important for keeping eyes on the road. After all, nothing is scarier than seeing someone operate such a powerful bike with one hand, and a cell phone with the other. But the question begs to be...

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Semi-Truck Side Guards: Do They Reduce Crash Fatalities?


Michigan semi-truck accident injuries can be devastating, and are often fatal. This is not only due to the sheer weight and size of the trucks, but also because smaller vehicles can slide underneath these large trucks, resulting in even more catastrophic injuries. There are, however, ways to help reduce this type of tragedy, including the use of semi-truck side guards. Right now, long-haul commercial trucks in the United States are only required to have rear under-ride guards. These devices (also called "Mansfield bars" after the death of actress Jayne Mansfield in a rear-end collision with a semi-truck) are designed to keep...

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