Potential Changes Could Be Coming to Michigan’s Drunk Driving Limit

Michigan roads could become a lot safer in the near future. Potential bills to change the drunk driving limit in Michigan would help reduce the dangers that come with driving while intoxicated. Tom Sinas, Grand Rapids auto accident attorney, recently appeared on Fox 17’s Know the Law. Tom explains the current drunk driving limits and laws as well as describes the changes that could be coming.
Drunk and Super Drunk Driving Limit
Michigan’s current drunk driving laws categorize drunk driving limit in two tiers: drunk driving and super drunk driving. With drunk driving, the BAC limit is 0.08 and comes with consequences such as fines, jail time, and driver’s license suspension. Super drunk driving applies to those who are operating a vehicle over the BAC limit of 0.17. The consequences for super drunk driving are comparable with drunk driving penalties, just much more extreme. These penalties include greater fines, more jail time, and longer license suspension period.
Changes to Drunk Driving Laws
After the 2018 lame duck session and entering a new term, new bills are continuously proposed. Among the bills proposed are House Bill 4220 and House Bill 4221. These bills, in short, change the BAC limit for drunk driving from 0.08 down to 0.05. If passed, Michigan would become one of just two states in the country with such a restrictive drunk driving limit. Even though Michigan would just be one of the two states with these drunk driving laws, the state would join many other countries across the globe attempting to reduce drunk driving injuries and deaths with this low of a BAC.
These bills, if passed, would not change the outcomes for drunk drivers who cause an accident resulting in injury or death. It also would not affect implied consent in Michigan.
Attorney Tom Sinas, Fox 17 Know the Law – Michigan Drunk Driving Laws
Implied Consent in Michigan
When operating a motor vehicle, the driver automatically subjects themselves to implied consent tests. If a law officer asks the driver to take a roadside sobriety test, the driver must prove their sobriety. Failure to take the test, or prove themselves below the legal BAC limit, subject the driver to face consequences for driving while intoxicated.
Drunk driving accident cases are complicated and often require the assistance of a skilled Michigan car crash lawyer. If you or a loved one were injured as the result of a drunk driving accident in Michigan, call us today at 517-394-7500 for a free consultation, or tell us about your cases here.