

Food Poisoning From a Restaurant – What Are My Legal Rights?


Authored by Michigan personal injury attorney, Lauren Kissell  Contracting food poisoning from a restaurant is more common than some may think. Up to 48 million people sustain foodborne illness in the United States each year. For reference, take the recent case of Chipotle. Last year, Chipotle made headlines for causing hundreds of people to get sick when the establishment served contaminated food. The restaurant chain caused such bad food poisoning that Chipotle provided extra food training to employees around the nation. With such prevalence, and so many families enjoying an evening dining out, understanding your legal rights is essential in cases...

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The Hidden and Explosive Dangers of Electronic Cigarettes

Update: In 2019, a proposed ban on flavored vaping products was put on a temporary hold due to individual and organization opposition. For more information, check out the video at the end of the article. E-cigarettes (also known as vape pens, electronic cigarettes, or electronic nicotine delivery systems [ENDS]) were first widely introduced to the U.S. market in 2007. Since then, the popularity of e-cigarettes has grown dramatically—and continues to expand at an incredible pace. As of 2015, an estimated 2,750,000 people use e-cigarettes in the United States. Furthermore, sales of e-cigarette devices and accessories exceed $2.8 billion dollars.1 However, with such...

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$800,000 Settlement for Sexual Assault at an Apartment Complex in Chicago’s Cook County

apartment complex

A person's home is supposed to be a safe place. Unfortunately, sexual assault at an apartment complex is all too common due to inadequate security and landlord negligence. The following outlines a recent successful settlement for one Chicago resident obtained by Sinas Dramis partner and attorney, Jim Graves. Recently Jim Graves and co-counsel Jennifer Irmen of Irmen Law Group, LLC successfully settled a complicated apartment complex sexual assault case in Chicago’s Cook County Circuit Court. An $800,000 settlement on behalf of his client was obtained in early August as the jury trial in the case commenced. The case arose from a sexual assault...

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Michigan Workplace Injuries Will Soon Be Revealed Online

Whether it's operating equipment at a construction site or replacing the rooftop on a home, more than 100,000 Michigan workers are injured on the job every year. And while employers are supposed to report these injuries to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), this injury information has never been available for the public to see. But that's all about to change. On-The-Job Injuries Disclosed A new federal rule requires employers in high-hazard industries, including many in Michigan, to send OSHA injury and illness data electronically. Why? Because it will now be posted, for everyone to see, on the agency's website at www.osha.gov. Under the...

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Michigan Boating Accident: What Happens If You’re Injured?

Boats Near Marina

With the Great Lakes and numerous inland waterways, Michigan is a boating lover's dream. For many, boating is way of life during the hot summer months. However, while boating is fun, it can also be dangerous. There's always the risk of suffering an injury in a Michigan boating accident.   Michigan Boating Injury Numbers Are On The Rise According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 65 people were injured in Michigan boating accidents in 2016. In total, there were 125 boating accidents last year, with damages totaling more than $550,000. In addition, 38 people died in Michigan boating accidents in 2016. This is the most recreational...

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Children, Football, and the Age of Consent


Concussion researcher raises interesting point about children, football, and consent Individuals must reach a certain age before they can legally consent to participating or otherwise engaging in a number of activities, ranging from buying cigarettes, joining the military, to exercising the right to vote. But what about participation in sports, specifically those that lend themselves to frequent, violent contact, i.e., football, or rugby, to name a couple of examples? Should children give their consent to play those sports, and thus assume the risk of suffering potentially life-changing brain injury, including concussions? Should those who participate be of a certain age so...

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Concussion NFL Movie Opens on Christmas Day – Will you see it?


Concussion Film about NFL and brain injuries suffered by professional football players contributes to the debate As you many know, brain injuries, specifically concussions, have been an important topic of conversation in the world of professional football in the United States, especially in recent years. With stories about retired NFL players committing suicide or otherwise suffering from debilitating brain injury as a result of repeated head trauma, Concussion, a movie about this very issue starring Will Smith, is very timely. [caption id="attachment_4044" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo Credit: Forbes.com[/caption] Concussion, which opens on Christmas Day, details the discoveries made by Dr. Bennet Omalu, connecting football and the...

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Taser Death Case Looks at Duty to Warn of Potential Injury


The Mitchell case, concerning a taser death, centered around whether Taser had a duty to warn the Warren Police Department about risks involved with the use of its products. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a published opinion relating to the use of tasers and the health risks involved in their use. Mitchell v City of Warren, 2015 Fed App 0203P (6th Cir, Aug 21, 2015), required the Court to look into the involvement of a taser in the death of a 16 year old boy, who suffered ventricular fibrillation and died after being shocked by a taser. On appeal,...

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Brain Injury Study Challenges Preconceived Notions About Recovery

human brain

Brain injury recovery study shows that cognitive performance can improve with strategy-based training well beyond the year after the TBI is sustained A recent traumatic brain injury recovery study published in the Neuropsychological Rehabilitation journal will hopefully clear up some misconceptions about recovering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The study was conducted by the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas. TBIs are among the most common injuries sustained in the United States, with over 5 million individuals currently living with one. These types of brain injuries are not just sustained in car accidents, motorcycle accidents, or semi-truck crashes;...

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Women’s World Cup Head Collision Illustrates Soccer’s Concussion Risk


Yesterday's head collision between US and German soccer players shows concussion risk in soccer If you watched yesterday’s Women’s World Cup match between the Team USA and Germany, you probably saw the particularly nasty head collision between midfielders Morgan Brian (US) and Alexandra Popp (Germany). While it’s not immediately evident that either player sustained a concussion or other sort of head or brain injury (remember, it can take a few days for symptoms to manifest), many who watched the match cried foul at the amount of time it took before both players were allowed to resume play. Concussions in Sports not limited to...

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